Server Info:

MU Online

Server Time 00:00
Your Time 00:00

Castle Siege Owner
Guild NameGUILD2
Tax Rate Chaos0
Tax Rate Store0
Tax Hunt Zone0
Register Period08/01/2024, 00:00 - 09/01/2024, 23:59
Idle Period09/01/2024, 23:59 - 10/01/2024, 00:00
Register Sign of Lord Period10/01/2024, 00:00 - 12/01/2024, 00:00
Idle Period12/01/2024, 00:00 - 12/01/2024, 12:00
Guild Notification Period12/01/2024, 12:00 - 12/01/2024, 19:00
Ready for Castle Siege Period12/01/2024, 19:00 - 14/01/2024, 17:00
Castle Battle14/01/2024, 17:00 - 14/01/2024, 19:00
Idle Period14/01/2024, 19:00 - 15/01/2024, 00:00
Registered Guilds
Guild NameSign of Lord

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